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, by Scott E. McLeod PharmD
Free PDF , by Scott E. McLeod PharmD
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Product details
File Size: 434 KB
Print Length: 77 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Doctor Scott Health (March 21, 2014)
Publication Date: March 21, 2014
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B00J606MG6
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
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I recommend this book to my fellow UTI victims. There is much in the book that will seem familiar if you have researched UTI's online, but there is a difference. Here the information has been vetted by a pharmacist, who moreover has a clear interest in alternative cures and supplements. The information has been sanity checked and sensibly presented. For example, online you can find all kinds of dosage levels recommended for D-mannose, a supplement useful against most UTI's. In the book you find a definite recommendation on dosage, and it is one that, in my case, works without the side effects I get if I take a bigger dose.There is no over-enthusiasm in the book. Herbs and supplements that are only sort of useful are not presented as miracle cures; the more useful ones get better recommendations, but never over the top. The author avoids the hype and hurrah common in the supplements industry. So then, for being a fair minded and useful look at the treatments available, I give this little volume five stars because there is no six stars button.
All in all, a very good book. Easy to read with no padding. He cuts right to the chase. I have been on an intensive antibiotic regime which worked for awhile but apparently I have quit responding to it and I’m allergic to all the other antibiotics they can use so I need to find another solution. Though I have tried D-Mannose in the past, with varying degrees of success, I have not tried taking it every 2 hours. I appreciated the author giving the dose of D-Mannose for this regimen but while he says every 2-3 hours for 5 days, he doesn’t tell you for how many hours of each day. Surely you don’t take it around the clock. Does anyone know the answer? His guidance on multiple supplements and his dietary guidelines are detailed and seem to make a lot of sense though there are some inconsistencies. For instance, he recommends an anti-inflammatory or Paleo diet but disagrees with many of the foods on those eating plans. That being said, I am desperate to stop my recurrent UTI’s so I’m definitely going to give many of his recommendations a try.
Had good information. I knew about the D-Mannose. It saved me about 15 years ago. But recently I had a UTI that D-Mannose wouldn't work on. I went on antibiotics, the infection returned, went on another round of antibiotics, ate about 16 cloves of garlic a day for a week, took 5 drops of DoTerra oregano essential oil 5x a day, found this book, and I've been using the suggested products with success so far (2 months). I'm hoping it doesn't come back.
This is just the book I was searching for! For years I have had (on and off) UTI infections. The last one was very serious as my bladder and kidneys were both infected. I was placed on Bactrim for 7 days but had to go back to my doctor for more Antibiotics. Finally got rid of the infection but it took ten days. Then I discovered this book. It helped me understand why I kept getting bladder UTI infections and how to prevent often reoccurring ones.What I like about this book:1 It is well organized and covers the different types of infections, explaining the symptoms and seriousness of each one.2 Antibodic therapy to end the infection and the common three prescriptions.3 Home Tests and how they work. This is a wonderful addition to this book.4 The dangers of taking the wrong Antibiotics and which ones are harmful he discusses. I was glad to know that Bactrim was OK...this is what I was prescribed. This chapter is a must read...I wrote down the harmful medicines and will ask my doctor not to prescribe these.5 This book as a whole is a must read if you get UTI infections. It is my go to book.There are MANY UTI books out there, however, this book helped me so much and will continue to, that I totally recommend it.
Balanced info (i.e., natural remedies are preferred, but allopathic--antibiotics--have their place).If the author were to update his webpage with oh-so-helpful product purchasing info posted March 2014, that would be spectacular.Or if any other knowledgeable person (clinician, researcher, well-versed consumer) were to blog about any additional PROVEN brands / products, that could be sooo helpful--if done in the same spirit as Mr. McLeod did... not promoting any OTC products for personal profit. He wrote his 2014 webpage supplement advising readers to go to brick-and-mortar stores or to order online (even spelling out which products might be found where), seemingly without even giving himself a kickback by way of affiliate links. Very refreshing, just like the reasonable pricing of this Kindle book!The reason I state the above re up-to-date product info is that we've found additional products of apparent quality that might be helpful to others to know about IF a qualified person were to reference personal comparisons or (better) independent laboratory test results or medical studies.
This book has changed my life! It has a lot of information you can find for free online but there are two tips I've never heard before. By doing them I'm down to two UTI's a month now. I used to get them up to six times a year. I'm hoping to reduce it down to once a year or none!. I'm going on my second year since reading this book.
I just devoured it as soon as I received it. It makes sense and I have been unable to find anyone anywhere to help us. My 80 year old mother is allergic to more than half of available antibiotics and now the pathogens are resistant to the antibiotics she can take. So grateful. Using the suggested supplements to eliminate proteus m. proteus penneri an klebsiella p. Hope it works and she will not get sick anymore with this nightmare! Your book and you are lifesavers Scott McLeod
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